Ashland Police Department
Phone: (256)354-2122
91 Memorial Dr., Ashland, Al 36251
About the Role
Receive calls by telephone or radio for police, fire, ambulance, or other emergency personnel or equipment; determine by inquiry the exact location of the place or point of emergency; dispatch proper unit(s) in order to best handle the emergency and to expedite normal traffic flow. Transmit such messages as may be necessary in conducting operations and point of emergency; record information as required; monitor burglar and fire alarms receiving equipment; transmit and receive special information through wired and radio communication systems. Fill out dispatch accounting forms and other data sheets as required; keep activity sheets, jail logs, and other required information. Keep radio log; type daily shift report; make complaint cards; and contact on-call wrecker services. Perform related work as assigned or required.
Considerable knowledge of the geography and the highway/street systems of the City.
Some knowledge of the NCIC manual, emergency fire/medical dispatch manual, radio logs, shift reports, and E911 directory.
Some knowledge of Federal and State regulations governing transmission by radio; and ability to use radio communications equipment.
Some knowledge of local ordinances and laws; knowledge of police terminology including the “10” series.
Skill and alertness in detecting the scope and magnitude of an emergency; and ability to make rapid decisions under emergency conditions.
Knowledge of departmental personnel and the areas of their responsibility.
Ability to accurately operate a computer terminal, photocopy machine, and other standard office and communications equipment.
Ability to speak and communicate clearly and distinctly; and maintain an effective working relationship with other employees, superiors, and the general public.
Graduation from a senior high school or equivalent with any combination of experience and training equivalent to some experience in office work and/or radio communications
Personal record must be free of criminal convictions.
Knowledge of or certification in NCIC.
Valid Alabama Driver’s License and a safe driving record suitable for insuring dispatcher to drive city vehicle.
About the position
This is clerical and dispatching work involved in the receipt and transmission of police, fire, paramedic, and emergency calls for municipal government agencies; and receiving calls for utility service emergencies after hours and on weekends.
Work involves receiving and transmitting messages for the police, fire, and paramedic departments; dispatching personnel and equipment as necessary; serving as switchboard operator and complaint taker; and performing related work as required. Employees in this class perform routine dispatching and communications work by telephone, fax, teletype, computer, or radio. Calls are received for police, fire, ambulance, and other emergency equipment, whereupon the employee contacts by radio or telephone the unit(s) to be dispatched, giving the type and location of the emergency and other pertinent information. The employee also records information concerning dispatched units, calls received, and complaints. Supervision is received from the Dispatcher Supervisor who reviews the work through observation of results of work performed.